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So far Thornbury Tennis Club has created 70 blog entries.

Wimbledon Draw

The ballot for the 16 pairs of Wimbledon tickets allocated to club members followed the President’s Plate presentation.  This always attracts a great deal of interest and excitement, as Wimbledon tickets are extremely difficult to come by!  The draw included several tickets to Centre Court, including the Men’s and Ladies finals.  The fortunate winners can [...]

By |2019-05-10T10:14:24+01:00April 27th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Wimbledon Draw

Spring Rusty Racquets

This is a 7 week Rusty Racquets training course starting on Tuesday evening, at 6.30pm for 1 hour, commencing 23rd April.  Participants will then be welcome to join in with any of the Club sessions to help them put their skills into practice and assist them in getting to know Club members. The price of [...]

By |2019-08-12T14:11:33+01:00April 23rd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Spring Rusty Racquets

Spring Beginners Tennis

This is a 13 week Adult Beginners Tennis course.  The course will be divided into two blocks. The program will start Wednesday 23rd April at 6.30pm and run for one hour.  This will be based around the LTA Tennis Xpress course. Participants will then join in with the Club session to provide integration into Club [...]

By |2019-08-12T14:11:37+01:00April 23rd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Spring Beginners Tennis

Avon Summer Tennis League 2019

The Club competes in the Avon Summer Tennis League and is represented by four ladies teams and five men’s teams.   Each team comprising two doubles pairs.  Each pair plays the opponent’s two pairs in consecutive matches on a Friday evening. With four matches remaining for each team all four of the ladies teams and the [...]

By |2019-05-10T10:08:49+01:00June 28th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Avon Summer Tennis League 2019

Spring Rusty Racquets Course

The Spring Rusty Racquets course has been completed.  The course members have refreshed their tennis skills through intensive coaching sessions at the Club, had lots of fun and have integrated well into Club activities.  During the next few weeks some of them will be given the opportunity to represent the Club in league matches.  Extremely [...]

By |2018-07-02T10:42:35+01:00June 14th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Spring Rusty Racquets Course

Charity Tournament

A group of enthusiastic tennis players took part in the Charity Tennis Tournament at Thornbury Tennis Club, in aid of East African Playgrounds.  The numbers were healthy despite competition from the Royal Wedding and the FA Cup Final.  With glorious weather, high spirits and raffle prizes kindly donated by Taylor Tennis, it was an enjoyable [...]

By |2021-01-06T14:11:04+00:00May 20th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Charity Tournament

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