Clubhouse. The clubhouse refurbishment is now complete and all suppliers have been paid. The work was funded by a £50,000 grant from Sport England plus approximately £24,000 from the Club.
Grounds. The new patio & paths are complete. A big thank you to one of our members, Carl Williams, who has worked tirelessly on this project. The grounds have been vastly improved by volunteers with levelling and reseeding. We are considering entering the Thornbury in Bloom ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ competition next year. We missed this year because of the work that was being done.
Public Tennis Courts. Refurbishment of the Public Tennis Courts is now complete. This involved resurfacing the courts and repairing the existing fence. Funds were secured and the project managed by TLTC on behalf of Thornbury Town Council. These two excellent quality courts are now available, free of charge, to TLTC for league matches and competitions. This means we can rely on the use of up to 8 courts, when needed.
Septic Tank. The current Septic Tank is nearly 30 years old and is not performing well. A Sewage Treatment Plant is required to resolve the problem. An additional Sport England grant has been obtained to cover most of the cost. A contract has been placed with a local company, Anderson Waste Management Ltd., with work scheduled for 7 – 21 November. All facilities will be available throughout the installation. There will, however, be heavy machinery on site. We apologise for any noise and inconvenience to members, but this project will provide a robust and reliable sewage system for the foreseeable future.
Court Cleaning. The Club has purchased a petrol pressure washer (part funded by South Gloucestershire Council). This will enable us to clean the courts without having to pay for external contractors. We will shortly be asking for volunteers to help give the courts their Autumn clean.